Monday, July 18, 2011


Another drawing I did for a friend. I think its supposed to be some sorta biomechanical vehicle.
You know you're in trouble when the person drawing doesn't even know what its supposed to be.

Also I prefer using my crappy pens as I did with the above drawing as opposed to the "grown up" pens I'm supposed to be using as evidenced in the rest of the doodles in this post.

Doug Chiang I sure ain't. Gotta love those wonky legs. I feel actual physical pain looking at that bottom drawing. I won't even comment on the "ass" gun that's in there. I know I can draw gun turrets better then that too. (Sure you can) Oh boy. Excuses...excuses. Yikes.

More vehicles aplenty.
Had another friend comment that the bottom tank was boring. eh?

Mother Brain? Wish the eye piece was worked out better. I sure like spikey distracty things.

Hover Tank Thing

I guess kind of self explanatory. Its a hover tank thing. Also done for my friend.

Self Portrait

Pretty accurate.

The Problem with Perspective

I've been in a slump drawing wise. By slump I mean avoiding it like the plague. So a good friend noticing my lack of interest in drawing asked me to draw as many space ships as I could until I guess....I ran out of ideas. He had a personal project as he called it involving space ships.

Pretty much it was just us dicking around I guess. Like something you do when you're 12. You get your friend to draw you monsters and space ships.

So these drawings represent that. I also tried experimenting with pens I don't usually use and you can see its very hit an miss. And there will be some pens I will not be using again in the near future.

Its pretty humbling to draw in a way you're not used to. I mean I thought I had a grasp on circles and straight lines, but when it comes to these ships and the perspective....well there's whole lotta room for improvement.

That's why I guess those visual communication classes are important. Makes me consider taking one.