Monday, September 19, 2011


The hero is a compulsive liar so I tried to have his design lines guide you to his face, which I guess would be a con artist's greatest asset. His chaps and poncho feature patterns that are supposed to lead you upward. At least that was the intent.

The villain was a southern gentleman who in actuality was the hero's "shadow" given autonomy and a body of its own. His design lines were supposed to guide you to his feet to where his shadow appears. (Would a shadow have its own shadow?) Well...too late now.

Loosely based on Hans Christian Andersen's "The Shadow".

Done for a character design class.

Villain Development

More Designs

Character Exploration (Now with Extra Volume)

Baby Animal Robots, (Don't ask)


More Iconic Graphic Style Character Exploration

Iconic Graphic Style, Character Exploration

Character Exploration

Style Exercise

Exercise in class where we were asked to depict pages filled with hands, eyes, noses and ears in as many different artistic styles that we could conceive of. Was pretty fun point in fact.